Servizi Hotel Villa Pannonia Venezia Lido

Hotel services

Our staff is always looking to be able to offer you services that can make your stay in our hotel a relaxing experience, full of pleasant surprises and cultural and artistic ideas, to be counted among your best memories for a long time.

Bycicles at disposal by rent

Breakfast also in room or garden


Private parking on request

Reservation service for golf and tennis

Medical Services Available

Reservation service for the beach


Some of the services and facilities above may not be available on a 24-hour basis or without advance request. Fees on certain facilities/services may apply. Small dogs (up to 5 KG) are allowed with a little extracharge of 20,00 euro for the final cleaning. Dogs are not permitted in the hotel's restaurant or bar.

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Mostra del Cinema Biennale Venezia
Il Golf Club del Lido di Venezia
Sport al Lido di Venezia con la voga

Il Lido

the park of Venice